We want to give badges to hackers doing cool things. Sponsors came up big for us this year but we need your help to close the gap. Support the project as a philanthropist and we will set aside a badge just for you. As a philanthropist you’re helping us manufacture additional badges, upgrade and transport 5n4ck3y for shenanigans at DEF CON, and many sleepless nights for us... to do what we love doing, giving these away for free.
There are several things you should understand before shutting up and giving us your money.
- There will be a few hacker challenges, however they wont be presented on our CTFd hosted server until Friday 8/9/24 at 10am Vegas Standard Time (this is due to badges being part of a challenge in the Contests & Events area of DEF CON). CTFd will have instructions for the challenges.
- We will ship it by early August. No pickups in Vegas.
- International orders are not guaranteed to arrive before DEF CON (even Canada) but we will make every effort to ship in time for delivery.
- If you don't like this, that's okay, you can chance it at the con. Many of the badges will be given away for various hacking challenges or just randomly.
Special thanks to this year's sponsors: Urbane Security, Macrofab, & CTFd, celebrate them for their awesomeness in helping this years project!